Arctic Light: Finnish Orthodox Music
$9.98 – $17.98
Four Hymns for the Dormition of the Mother God: Kontakion
This recording of Finnish Orthodox Music crosses boundaries of time and geography.
While Orthodoxy was the earliest form of Christianity to reach Finland, its music was initially drawn from the rich Slavic tradition, subsequently adapted into the Finnish language.
This recording by Cappella Romana features original works composed in Finnish in the 20th century that draw upon the Finnish choral tradition, marrying a shining Northern clarity of sound with a sonic richness clearly linked to the traditions of Russian choral singing.
Audio Player
- Kerubiveisu No. 3 | Cherubic Hymn No. 3 — Pekka Attinen (1885–1956) Audio Player
- Ehtooveisu / Evening Hymn (“Phos hilaron”) — Boris Jakubov (1894–1923) Audio Player
- Kontakki “Saata, oi Kristus” | Kontakion “With the Saints give rest, O Christ” — Attinen Audio Player
- Pääsiäissunnuntain Iikossi | Paschal Ikos — Leonid Bashmakov (b.1927) Audio Player
- Pääsiäisen Eksapostilaari No. 2 | Paschal Exaposteilarion No. 2 — Bashmakov Audio Player
- Alkupsalmi | Psalm 103, beginning Vespers — Timo Ruottinen (b.1947) Audio Player
- Te Apostolit… | O you Apostles… — Ivan Moody (b.1964) Audio Player
- Trishagion | Trisagion — Ruottinen Audio Player
- Kerubiveisu No. 4 | Cherubic Hymn No. 4 — Mikko Sidoroff (b.1985)
Neitsyt Marian Kuolonuneen Nukkuminen Neljä Laulua - Eksapostilario | Exaposteilarion Audio Player
- Kontakki | Kontakion Audio Player
- Ylistysveisu | Megalynarion Audio Player
- Kiitosstikiira | First Sticheron [at Lauds]
Four Hymns for the Dormition of the Mother of God – Peter Mirolybov
Audio PlayerFanfare Magazine
The performances are polished and technically secure. … Recommended to anyone ” –Ronald E. Grames