John Michael Boyer Receives The Saint Romanos the Melodist Medallion

John Michael Boyer
John Michael Boyer

On June 30th, 2024, at The National Forum of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians’ Church Music Ministry Reception, His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America presented the Saint Romanos Medallion, the highest honor awarded to the church music ministry to Cappella Romana Associate Music Director John Michael Boyer for “his exceptional dedication to the Church and Her music.”

Highlighted as part of the announcement were “his collaboration with five esteemed composers on Heaven & Earth: A Song of Creation, an English setting of Psalm 103 for the St. John of Damascus Society, along with a recent book titled Byzantine Chant: the Received Tradition – A Lesson Book.

John Michael Boyer joins Cappella Romana’s Artistic Director and Founder, Alexander Lingas in becoming a Medallian Recipient (2010).

John Michael Boyer Highlights:

Sun of Justice: Byzantine Chant for the Nativity of our Lord
Sun of Justice: Byzantine Chant for the Nativity of our Lord
3D image of book - Byzantine Chant: The Received Tradition
Byzantine Chant: The Received Tradition – A Lesson Book
Cappella Records Heaven and Earth Recording
Heaven and Earth: A Song of Creation

