‘s Adrian Quanjer gives our Lost Voices of Hagia Sophia recording a rating!
“It’s Art, it’s history, it’s technical advance, it’s Magic! … It is self-evident that for such an experiment a choir of exceptional professional quality is a ‘sine qua non’. Cappella Romana, under its experienced and highly qualified Music Director, Alexander Lingas, is such a choral formation. With 14 male and female voices covering the entire range from the very low bass upwards, they bring the listener under a mystic spell which, enhanced by the added acoustics, creates the feeling as though the choir is indeed singing in an immense Byzantine cathedral. … Apart from admiration for Cappella Romana, and the in-depth research to make it all happen, one may hope that this recording will inspire present-day listeners to delve into Greek Orthodox history.”
Adrian Quanjer,
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