Cyber Week Sale Ends Tonight!
Our Cyber Monday, week-long Sale ends TONIGHT at Midnight! Get in on the savings while you still can! Purchase two or more CDs and get 50% off your entire order with promo code “2for1”! You can get a head start to your Christmas music listening by purchasing one of our Christmas CDs like Kontakion on…
Cyber Monday – Mt. Sinai: Frontier of Byzantium
One of the premiere recordings available in our Cyber Monday Week Sale is our recent recording Mt. Sinai: Frontier of Byzantium! Mt. Sinai: Frontier of Byzantium Cappella Romana performs exquisite Byzantine musical treasures—from the cathedrals and monasteries of the Eastern Roman Empire—preserved from destruction in the Egyptian desert at the Greek Orthodox Monastery of St.…
Cyber Monday on CappellaRomana.Org
Capella Romana launches Cyber Monday Sale – for the entire week! Order Two or More CDs and get 50% Off your Entire Order on! Add your items to the cart and use promo code “2for1“ Offer ends Friday, November 30th at Midnight This includes our two recent releases Mt. Sinai: Frontier of Byzantium and…
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