Early Music America Reviews Lost Voices of Hagia Sophia
Karen Cook reviews our Lost Voices of Hagia Sophia recording for Early Music America: “Thanks to the wonders of modern technology and painstaking work of two college professors, however, it is possible to imagine what a medieval Byzantine service might have sounded like. … The prolonged phrases flow over each other in layers and waves,…
Cappella Romana Celebrates Early Music Month!
Cappella Romana joins Early Music America and many other ensembles and organizations across the country in celebrating March as #EarlyMusicMonth2016! Sponsored by Early Music America, this national, grassroots campaign is designed to raise awareness of early music throughout the larger North American music community. Early Music Month seeks to connect enthusiasts, performers, presenters, scholars, builders,…
Early Music America Reviews Good Friday in Jerusalem
Donald Rosenberg reviews our Good Friday In Jerusalem recording in Early Music America Magazine: “Here Cappella Romana travels back to the roots of Byzanitne chant to recreate a Good Friday service through the music of the 8th and 9th centuries. The recording shot to the top of Amazon and Billboard charts when released, and it…
Early Music America Reviews Mt. Sinai Frontier of Byzantium
Early Music America magazine has a new review for our recent Mt. Sinai: Frontier of Byzantium recording: “The music speaks to a higher self: its target is the divine and focuses on the soul in direct union with God. One of its hallmarks is the luxurious usage of time. The repetitions of notes have an…
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