Photos from Lost Treasures of Armenia
Bonus: Enjoy a live look from Saturday night!
Lost Treasures of Armenia
The Holy Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church continues to embody a living tradition of primarily monodic vocal music of exceptional richness and beauty. Though its hymnography is traditionally believed to have commenced with the invention of the Armenian alphabet in the fifth century, and the Hymnal as a canonical collection was definitively closed in the fourteenth…
KING FM Northwest Focus features Lost Treasures of Armenia
In the lead up to our Lost Treasures of Armenia series, Seattle’s KING FM will be previewing the performance on the Northwest Focus program Monday-Thursday this week (1/14-17/2019). Date Time Music Monday, January 14 9:19pm Adamis: Radiant Cloud Tuesday, January 15 8:00pm Dufay: Lamentatio Sanctae Matris Ecclesiae Constantinopolitanae Wed, January 16 9:19pm Zes: Cherubic Hymn…
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