TheaterByte Gives Hymns of Kassianí Five Stars
TheaterByte’s Lawrence Devoe gives our new Hymns of Kassianí a Five-Star review! “Having had the otherworldly experience when I reviewed Cappella Romana’s breakthrough recording of The Lost Voices of Hagia Sophia last year, I looked forward to their next installment in the Byzantine chant discography. This now arrives in the new release Hymns of Kassiani and represents one of…
Theater Byte Gives Lost Voices of Hagia Sophia its Highest Recommendation
“Applying Professor Abel’s sound technology to the fifteen voices of Capella Romana creates an audio experience that few if any listeners will have ever heard. These disembodied voices, evoking the holy spirit of God, seem to come from everywhere and totally envelop the audience. … Put this Blu-ray Disc in your player, and push the…
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