Take Me Back to Constantinople Auction Items Coming In!

Our Take Me Back to Constantinople Benefit Dinner and Auction is coming up soon (November 1st), and some MAJOR auction items are rolling in! Here’s a look at one of our featured items:

One Week in this house on the island of Rhodes, in the Dodecanese, Greece in Lindos!

This donation comes courtesy of Guy and Ann Protheroe.

In 2011, Cappella Romana kicked off our Greek Tour by swimming in St. Paul’s Bay and then rehearsed in this Lindos House! Make sure and RSVP for the Dinner and Auction today, and happy bidding!

Take Me Back to Constantinople — Benefit Dinner & Auction

The University Club of Portland — November 1

Presenting Dr. Achilleas Chaldaiakis from Athens performing Constantinopolitan Songs from the Dawn of the Modern Age!