Cappella Romana’s 2015-2016 Season Now Online!

2015-2016 Season – 24th Annual Northwest Series

Single tickets for individual concerts go on sale August 1st, 2015. Season Subscriptions available now.

Seattle Concerts

Portland Concerts

Rachmaninoff’s All-Night Vigil

[toggle title=”Learn More”]Cappella Romana’s 24th Annual Season opens with Sergei Rachmaninoff’s monumental All-Night Vigil (also known as the Vespers), in celebration of the 100th anniversary of its premiere in 1915. Impassioned and hauntingly beautiful, the All-Night Vigil is a pinnacle of the Russian choral repertoire.


Friday, 11 September, 7:30pm
St. James Cathedral

Rachmaninoff’s All-Night Vigil

[toggle title=”Learn More”]Cappella Romana’s 24th Annual Season opens with Sergei Rachmaninoff’s monumental All-Night Vigil (also known as the Vespers), in celebration of the 100th anniversary of its premiere in 1915. Impassioned and hauntingly beautiful, the All-Night Vigil is a pinnacle of the Russian choral repertoire.

Saturday, 12 September, 7:30pm
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral

Sunday, 13 September, 2:30pm
St. Mary’s Cathedral

Cyprus: Greek East & Latin West

[toggle title=”Learn More”]To this day, the island of Cyprus stands at a crossroads between East and West. Alexander Lingas leads Cappella Romana in an intrepid exploration of Cypriot music in both Byzantine and Western styles, including refined ars subtilior music composed for the Royal Court of Cyprus (c. 1308-1432) from the manuscript J.II.9 housed at the University of Turin. WITH CD RELEASE!


Friday, 13 November, 7:30pm
Blessed Sacrament

Cyprus: Greek East & Latin West

[toggle title=”Learn More”]To this day, the island of Cyprus stands at a crossroads between East and West. Alexander Lingas leads Cappella Romana in an intrepid exploration of Cypriot music in both Byzantine and Western styles, including refined ars subtilior music composed for the Royal Court of Cyprus (c. 1308-1432) from the manuscript J.II.9 housed at the University of Turin. WITH CD RELEASE.


Saturday, 14 November, 7:30pm
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral

Sunday, 15 November, 2:30pm
St. Mary’s Cathedral

Epiphany: Medieval Byzantine & Old-Roman Chant

[toggle title=”Learn More”]This program features Cappella Romana’s specialist ensemble of Byzantine cantors singing a program of Medieval hymns and psalms for the feast of Epiphany. These performance include examples of Byzantine chant in Greek from Hagia Sophia and from Palestine, and selections in Latin of Old Roman Chant sung directly from 11th-century manuscripts.


Friday, 1 January, 7:30pm
Blessed Sacrament

Epiphany: Medieval Byzantine & Old-Roman Chant

[toggle title=”Learn More”]This program features Cappella Romana’s specialist ensemble of Byzantine cantors singing a program of Medieval hymns and psalms for the feast of Epiphany. These performance include examples of Byzantine chant in Greek from Hagia Sophia and from Palestine, and selections in Latin of Old Roman Chant sung directly from 11th-century manuscripts.


Saturday, 2 January, 7:30pm
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral

Sunday, 3 January, 2:30pm
St. Mary’s Cathedral

Passion Week by Maximilian Steinberg

[toggle title=”Learn More”]Cappella Romana presents Maximilian Steinberg’s Passion Week, a collection of choral hymns for Holy Week in the Russian Orthodox tradition. The last major sacred work to be composed following the imposition of Communism, Passion Week continues the movement in early 20th-century Russia that sought to give new birth to its spiritual and musical roots. Steinberg became the student and son-in-law of Rimsky-Korsakov, a classmate of Stravinsky, and the teacher of Shostakovich.


Friday, 12 February, 7:30pm
Blessed Sacrament

Passion Week by Maximilian Steinberg

[toggle title=”Learn More”]Cappella Romana presents Maximilian Steinberg’s Passion Week, a collection of choral hymns for Holy Week in the Russian Orthodox tradition. The last major sacred work to be composed following the imposition of Communism, Passion Week continues the movement in early 20th-century Russia that sought to give new birth to its spiritual and musical roots. Steinberg became the student and son-in-law of Rimsky-Korsakov, a classmate of Stravinsky, and the teacher of Shostakovich.


Saturday, 13 February, 7:30pm
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral

Sunday, 14 February, 2:30pm
St. Mary’s Cathedral

New Mystics from East & West

[toggle title=”Learn More”]Our season closes with a program of music by two important modern voices: the Greek Orthodox composer Michael Adamis and Scottish Catholic James MacMillan. The choral works of both composers share a deeply personal quality and a rare devotion to ancient chant: Byzantine for Adamis and Gregorian for MacMillan. Colorful sonorities and intricate structures five the music of each an unmistakably mystical quality.


Friday, 13 May, 7:30pm
Blessed Sacrament

New Mystics from East & West

[toggle title=”Learn More”]Our season closes with a program of music by two important modern voices: the Greek Orthodox composer Michael Adamis and Scottish Catholic James MacMillan. The choral works of both composers share a deeply personal quality and a rare devotion to ancient chant: Byzantine for Adamis and Gregorian for MacMillan. Colorful sonorities and intricate structures five the music of each an unmistakably mystical quality.


Saturday, 14 May, 7:30pm
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral

Sunday, 15 May, 2:30pm
St. Mary’s Cathedral