Christmas with Cappella Romana

FREE Premiere

Saturday, December 12, 7:30 pm Pacific

We have a pre-Christmas gift for you!

Before Thanksgiving, we created a COVID-free “bubble” in which the singers were tested twice and quarantined for two weeks. After rehearsals, the day before Thanksgiving we recorded a recital of Christmas music in Greek, English, and Slavonic. The singers were so happy to sing together again safely!

On Saturday, December 12 at 7:30 pm (Pacific), I hope you, your family, and friends will gather with us for Christmas music you won’t hear anywhere else.

The evening will include selections from our Christmas recordings including When Augustus Reigned, Sun of Justice and carols from Richard Toensing’s Kontakion on the Nativity & Orthodox Christmas Carols.

You’ll also see interviews with a number of your favorite Cappella Romana singers.

Mark your calendars now! The event will be a free premiere on YouTube and Facebook, and will be available through December 31!

