TWO New Cappella Romana CDs in Just FIVE Days!
We are officially FIVE days away from the release of TWO new Cappella Romana recordings! And the best part is, you can purchase BOTH recordings before they are officially released during this weekend’s concerts! Tikey Zes: Divine Liturgy Dr. Tikey Zes (b. 1927) is the most prolific composer of Greek Orthodox liturgical music in America.…
A Patriarch’s Chant: Athanasios V
The following is taken from guest-artist Achilleas Chaldaiakis’ fantastic program notes available for this weekend’s performances. A Patriarch’s Chant: Athanasios V The Patriarch of Constantinople Athanasios V is an exceptionally important Church figure, widely renowned in the relevant historical research. He was a Cretan; through historians he is described as “a wise man, whose outstanding prosperity…
Get The Best Seats in Seattle for A Patriarch’s Chants!
From now through Friday at 2:00pm get the BEST SEATS IN THE HOUSE during our Saturday A Patriarch’s Chants Concert in Seattle for only $25 each (Normally $36)! Just click the link below and enter the promo code “best25” by Friday at 2pm to save! A Patriarch’s Chants — Seattle 8pm, Sat., Nov. 9, St.…
Dr. Achilleas G. Chaldaiakis Leads Cappella Romana in A Patriarch’s Chants This Weekend
This Weekend: A Patriarch’s Chants: Music By +Athanasios V Virtuoso Byzantine cantor from Athens, Dr. Achilleas G. Chaldaiakis returns to conduct Cappella Romana in a program of unusual and never-before-heard Byzantine chants. Dr. Chaldaiakis is associate professor of Byzantine Musicology at the University of Athens and director of the Maestros of the Psaltic Art), an…
Get A Patriarch’s Chants Tickets Today!
A Patriarch’s Chants: Music By +ATHANASIOS V Archbishop of Constantinople New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch Guest Director DR. ACHILLEAS G. CHALDAIAKISΠροσκεκλημένος Διευθυντής ΑΧΙΛΛΕΥΣ Γ. ΧΑΛΔΑΙΆΚΗΣMaestros of the Psaltic Art & The University of Athens The virtuoso Byzantine cantor from Athens, Achilleas Chaldaiakis, returns to direct a program of unusual and never-before-heard Byzantine chants by +ATHANASIOS…
Meet Guest Conductor Dr. Achilleas Chaldaiakis
Guest Director Dr. Achilleas G. Chaldaiakis Virtuoso Byzantine cantor from Athens, Achilleas G. Chaldaiakis returns to conduct Cappella Romana in a program of unusual and never-before-heard Byzantine chants. Dr. Chaldaiakis is associate professor of Byzantine Musicology at the University of Athens and director of the Maestros of the Psaltic Art), an internationally acclaimed Byzantine choir.…
Coming in November – A Patriarch’s Chants
A Patriarch’s Chants: Music By +ATHANASIOS V Archbishop of Constantinople New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch Guest Director DR. ACHILLEAS G. CHALDAIAKISΠροσκεκλημένος Διευθυντής ΑΧΙΛΛΕΥΣ Γ. ΧΑΛΔΑΙΆΚΗΣMaestros of the Psaltic Art & The University of Athens The virtuoso Byzantine cantor from Athens, Achilleas Chaldaiakis, returns to direct a program of unusual and never-before-heard Byzantine chants by +ATHANASIOS…
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