Tag: Good Friday in Jerusalem

  • Orthodox Arts Journal Review for Good Friday

    Orthodox Arts Journal Review for Good Friday

    The Orthodox Arts Journal asks “How can music be alive?” in On History and Tradition: A Review of Cappella Romana’s “Good Friday in Jerusalem”. “Good Friday in Jerusalem is no exception to the level of quality that audiences have come to expect from Cappella Romana’s recordings; the singing on the disc is at once rich,…

  • Help Cappella Romana Make the Billboard Classical Chart

    Help Cappella Romana Make the Billboard Classical Chart

    ORDER NOW Our “irresistible” (Audiophile Audition) new album Good Friday in Jerusalem is on sale today (February 10)! We need your help to boost the record to the top of the Billboard Classical Chart. “This is not only Cappella Romana’s 20th recording, but it’s also one of the most compelling,” says Mark Powell, executive director…

  • Good Friday In Jerusalem Now Available!

    Good Friday In Jerusalem Now Available!

    Good Friday In Jerusalem Now Available for Purchase and Download Purchase Direct from Cappella Romana Amazon.com Amazon UK iTunes ArkivMusic Stream [soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/188154336″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /] [soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/190282564″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /] Good Friday In Jerusalem: Medieval Byzantine Chant from the Church of the Holy Sepulchre Alexander Lingas, artistic director and soloist;…

  • Good Friday In Jerusalem Concert Program

    Good Friday In Jerusalem Concert Program

    Our concert features excerpts from the “Service of the Holy Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ” as it would have been celebrated in Jerusalem during the tenth century. The ancestor of the service celebrated in the modern Byzantine rite on Holy Thursday evening, this is a stational version of the office of early morning prayer…

  • Good Friday in Jerusalem — Video from London

    Good Friday in Jerusalem — Video from London

    Cappella Romana releases its 20th recording in conjunction with performances of music for Good Friday in Jerusalem THIS WEEKEND. Directed by Alexander Lingas featuring solo psaltis Stelios Kontakiotis. This film features the performance at London’s oldest church, St-Bartholomew-the-Great in the City of London. Pre-Order Good Friday in Jerusalem on Amazon Today! Good Friday in Jerusalem…

  • Audiophile Audition Five Star Review for Good Friday In Jerusalem!

    Audiophile Audition Five Star Review for Good Friday In Jerusalem!

    Audiophile Audition‘s Steven Ritter gives five star to the new Cappella Romana Good Friday In Jerusalem release! “This is the all-male version of Cappella Romana, and Alexander Lingas has his Portland-based ensemble going from strength to strength, perfectly judged balances among the melodists and those singing the ison, or lower drone notes, and executing these…

  • Stream “In Procession to the Mount of Olives”

    Stream “In Procession to the Mount of Olives”

    Stream In Procession to the Mount of Olives Antiphon 1 in Mode Plagal 4 from Good Friday In Jerusalem on the Cappella Romana SoundCloud Channel and pre-order from Amazon today! Good Friday in Jerusalem Concert Tickets and Information

  • Good Friday In Jerusalem Liner Notes

    Good Friday In Jerusalem Liner Notes

    In the year 637 AD the orthodox Christian Patriarch Sophronios (d. 638) surrendered Byzantine Jerusalem to the Arab Caliph Umar, inaugurating a period of Muslim rule in the Holy City that would last until its conquest by Latin Crusaders in 1099. Although subject to tribute, Jerusalem’s Christian inhabitants retained the right to continue celebrating both…

  • Pre-Order Good Friday in Jerusalem NOW

    Pre-Order Good Friday in Jerusalem NOW

    Good Friday in Jerusalem Medieval Byzantine Chant from the Church of the Holy Sepulchre Coming February 10, 2015! HELP US CHART THE RECORD by pre-ordering! Pre-Order on Amazon! Produced since 2004 by GRAMMY Award-winning producer Steve Barnett, Cappella Romana performs “music of purity and radiance” (Gramophone) in concerts of “luminous beauty” (Washington Post). Appearances in…

  • Good Friday in Jerusalem “in hand”

    Good Friday in Jerusalem “in hand”

    Stock of our February Good Friday in Jerusalem CD is now in hand! Street date for this release is February 10, but you can pre-order on Amazon NOW! Pre-Order on Amazon NOW! Cappella Romana’s latest release is in conjunction with our Good Friday in Jerusalem Concert Series in Seattle and Portland, February 6-8! Hear Medieval…