Tag: Good Friday in Jerusalem

  • Alexander Lingas’s Cappella Romana Playlist: Holy Week 2

    Alexander Lingas’s Cappella Romana Playlist: Holy Week 2

    Welcome to the third in a new series of playlists from the archives of Cappella Romana, featuring hymns selected from the Byzantine services of Holy Thursday and Holy Friday. Next week I will be back with Easter music from the archives of Cappella Romana. Meanwhile, please remember that streaming services return very little to their…

  • Early Music America Reviews Good Friday in Jerusalem

    Early Music America Reviews Good Friday in Jerusalem

    Donald Rosenberg reviews our Good Friday In Jerusalem recording in Early Music America Magazine: “Here Cappella Romana travels back to the roots of Byzanitne chant to recreate a Good Friday service through the music of the 8th and 9th centuries. The recording shot to the top of Amazon and Billboard charts when released, and it…

  • Good Friday In Jerusalem in Early Music Review

    Good Friday In Jerusalem in Early Music Review

    “Alexander Lingas, in collaboration with Ioannis Arvanitis, is fortunate in being able to reify his archival researches into Medieval Byzantine chant by means of Cappella Romana’s fine musical skills and their recording team. … we can rejoice that these rites are preserved from a Holy Land now surrounded by architectural, human and cultural destruction.” —Diana…

  • Choir & Organ Magazine Reviews Good Friday in Jerusalem

    Choir & Organ Magazine Reviews Good Friday in Jerusalem

    Choir & Organ Magazine gives five stars to our Good Friday In Jerusalem recording in their May/June Issue: “This ‘premiere in modern times’, revivified through extensive research, is true tingle-factor stuff: an austere, inexorable, mesmerising Crucifixion liturgy told in the 8th-and-9th-century Byzantine chant that once resounded within Jerusalem’s Church of the Holy Sepulchre, leading the…

  • Good Friday In Jerusalem in Gramophone Magazine

    Good Friday In Jerusalem in Gramophone Magazine

    Gramophone Magazine’s

  • MusicWeb International Reviews Good Friday In Jerusalem

    MusicWeb International Reviews Good Friday In Jerusalem

    MusicWeb International critic Garry Higginson recalls his own Holy Week in Jerusalem experience while listening to Cappella Romana’s new Good Friday in Jerusalem recording: “Jerusalem was filled with people of all nations, as befits a city of pilgrimage. Droves of superior-looking tourists who had come to gaze curiously on the rites of the Eastern Church…

  • Harmonia Early Music Features Good Friday in Jerusalem

    Harmonia Early Music Features Good Friday in Jerusalem

    Indiana Public Media’s Harmonia Early Music program features Good Friday In Jerusalem as a part of their “Music for Christian Holy Week” episode, and names it their Featured CD! Listen to the program and find information on all of the tracks at www.indianapublicmedia.org: http://wfiu.indiana.edu/podcasts/audio/harmonia/15/shows/150323-holy-week.mp3 Purchase the Good Friday In Jerusalem Recording: Direct from Cappella Romana…

  • AllMusic Reviews Good Friday In Jerusalem

    AllMusic Reviews Good Friday In Jerusalem

    AllMusic.com’s James Manheim has a new review for our Good Friday In Jerusalem release! “It takes a good deal of scholarly effort to reconstruct a program like this from manuscripts in various places (some are Armenian) and at various levels of notational detail. The result, though, is spectacular. The chants were sung (if this reconstruction…

  • Good Friday In Jerusalem: Musical Time Travel

    Good Friday In Jerusalem: Musical Time Travel

    Oregon Artswatch breaks down our Good Friday In Jerusalem Concert saying, “Vocal ensemble’s Passion performance transports listeners to millennium-old sacred service”: “On a strictly sonic level, the concert at Portland’s Trinity Episcopal Cathedral was magnificent … As with last year’s concerts of Finnish Orthodox music, it was especially satisfying to hear the singers perform music…

  • Good Friday in Jerusalem a “Home Run”

    Good Friday in Jerusalem a “Home Run”

    The “Almost Rational” blogger, Steven Bilow, calls Good Friday In Jerusalem a “Home Run” in his review: “Cappella Romana’s Good Friday in Jerusalem is a superb example of just how lovely this music can be. It was recorded in a Church at Stanford and engineered by some clearly acoustically savvy members of Stanford’s Center for…

  • Good Friday In Jerusalem #8 on Billboard Chart!

    Good Friday In Jerusalem #8 on Billboard Chart!

    Thanks to all of you who pre-ordered and purchased during the first week of the release, Good Friday In Jerusalem debuted at #8 on the Traditional Classical Billboard Chart! Purchase Stream

  • Good Friday In Jerusalem in The Oregonian!

    Good Friday In Jerusalem in The Oregonian!

    The Oregonian‘s David Stabler features our Amazon chart-topping Good Friday In Jerusalem release: “Alexander Lingas leads Cappella’s all-male version in stirring performances, anchored by bass drones underneath meditative melody. The feeling is profound, devotional and powerful in its simplicity, reflecting the pathos of Good Friday, the day Christ died. … Holding drone pitches and singing…

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