Sacred Songs of Serbia Program
Rejoice, all ye western lands, Stichera, Tone I, from the Service in Honour of the Holy King Stefan of Dečani (+ 1331), melody from monastery Hilandar manuscript /3,08’ The Magi, kings of Persia, Stichera, Tone V, from the Christmas Vespers, Traditional Serbian Chant / 3, 20’ Holy, holy, holy, great, from the Liturgy…
Cappella Romana at The J. Paul Getty Villa Program
The J. Paul Getty Villa 17 & 18 May 2014 Cappella Romana Performs Medieval Byzantine Chant Program I. Great and Holy Friday in Jerusalem Processional Sticheron: “The Paradise in Eden,” Mode Plagal 4 Three-Ode Kanon (Triodion): Kosmas the Melodist (8th c.), Mode Plagal 2: Ode 5 Kontakion on Mary at the Cross (Short and Psaltikon…
Maximilian Steinberg, “Passion Week”, Op. 13 — Notes
Historians of Orthodox Christianity have charted the emergence of a ‘Russian Religious Renaissance’ out of the so-called ‘Silver Age’ of Russia, the culturally fruitful but politically turbulent decades immediately prior to the Bolshevik takeover in 1917. This movement encompassed a broad range of efforts aimed at various forms of spiritual, ecclesial, cultural, and national renewal…
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