Category: Review
Expedition Audio Reviews Steinberg: Passion Week!
Paul Ballyk of Expedition Audio has a rave review for our Maximilian Steinberg: Passion Week recording! “Passion Week is a profoundly moving composition. From the opening, monophonic tones, it is clear that ancient chant is central to the work’s structure – in fact, all but one of the eleven sections is based directly on a…
Early Music America Reviews Good Friday in Jerusalem
Donald Rosenberg reviews our Good Friday In Jerusalem recording in Early Music America Magazine: “Here Cappella Romana travels back to the roots of Byzanitne chant to recreate a Good Friday service through the music of the 8th and 9th centuries. The recording shot to the top of Amazon and Billboard charts when released, and it…
Gramophone Magazine Names Steinberg: Passion Week An Editor’s Choice!
Gramophone Magazine names our new Maximilian Steinberg: Passion Week recording an August Editor’s Choice! “This important and exciting release from the Portland, Oregon-based 26-strong chamber choir is a notable successor to their ‘Good Friday in Jerusalem’ disc (5/15). … This recording closely followed what is believed to have been the premiere complete performance by these…
Planet Hugill Reviews Maximilian Steinberg: Passion Week
Robert Hugill has a new review for our “Remarkable re-discovery” of Maximilian Steinberg’s Passion Week: “Musically it is very much in the same genre as Rachmaninov’s All Night Vigil (Vespers), the chant in Steinberg’s work has similar recognisable outlines. Steinberg’s harmony is more classical…and the chants stand out more in Steinberg. …Quite romantic in texture,…
Good Friday In Jerusalem in Early Music Review
“Alexander Lingas, in collaboration with Ioannis Arvanitis, is fortunate in being able to reify his archival researches into Medieval Byzantine chant by means of Cappella Romana’s fine musical skills and their recording team. … we can rejoice that these rites are preserved from a Holy Land now surrounded by architectural, human and cultural destruction.” —Diana…
New MusicWeb Review for Maximilian Steinberg: Passion Week
After John Quinn named Maximilian Steinberg: Passion Week an April “Recording of the Month”, another MusicWeb International critic has been listening to our world premiere recording: “It is hard to imagine the turmoil surrounding conflict and persecution between the Communist state and the Church in this period, and even more so on hearing this tender…
Choir & Organ Magazine Reviews Good Friday in Jerusalem
Choir & Organ Magazine gives five stars to our Good Friday In Jerusalem recording in their May/June Issue: “This ‘premiere in modern times’, revivified through extensive research, is true tingle-factor stuff: an austere, inexorable, mesmerising Crucifixion liturgy told in the 8th-and-9th-century Byzantine chant that once resounded within Jerusalem’s Church of the Holy Sepulchre, leading the…
AllMusic Features Steinberg: Passion Week
AllMusic critic James Manheim has a new review for our Maximilian Steinberg: Passion Week recording: “The whole story is told in the excellent notes here, but the music itself is the main attraction. The nearest comparison would be Rachmaninov’s All-Night Vigil, but it is far from a knock-off. Steinberg makes less use of the characteristic…
MusicWeb International Reviews Good Friday In Jerusalem
MusicWeb International critic Garry Higginson recalls his own Holy Week in Jerusalem experience while listening to Cappella Romana’s new Good Friday in Jerusalem recording: “Jerusalem was filled with people of all nations, as befits a city of pilgrimage. Droves of superior-looking tourists who had come to gaze curiously on the rites of the Eastern Church…
ClassicalNet: Passion Week is An Ethereal Experience
ClassicalNet‘s Brian Wigman says Maximilian Steinberg: Passion Week is an example of why he’s “been a fan of Cappella Romana for a few years now”: “I’ve been a fan of Cappella Romana for a few years now, and they have thoroughly enriched our understanding of Orthodox choral music from all over the world. Director Alexander…
Passion Week a MusicWeb Recording of the Month
MusicWeb International critic John Quinn names our Maximilian Steinberg: Passion Week a RECORDING OF THE MONTH! “Passion Week is one of the finest and most moving Orthodox settings that I’ve encountered and I’ve been excited by getting to know it. It’s particularly pleasing that this music should receive its first recording from such a fine…
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