RSVP today for A Night on the Aegean!
Purchase tickets online or call 503.236.8202
RSVPs welcome as long as space is available or until Sept. 19th
Portland Gala Guest Speakers:

Fr. John Bakas
Dean of the Cathedral of St. Sophia in Los Angeles, CA
Founder of Camp AGAPE ‘Kids ‘n Cancer’ program
President of the Valley Children’s Hospital Foundation in Fresno, CA
Professor of Greek Orthodox Theology at Loyola Marymount University
Appears on Cappella Romana’s recording, Tikey Zes: The Divine Liturgy

The Honorable Charles & Nancy Hales, Gala Chairs
Mayor Charlie Hales
Mayor of Portland
Former Portland City Council member
Nancy Hales
First Lady of Portland
Director of First Stop Portland

Dr. Alexander Lingas
Founder & Artistic Director, Cappella Romana
Reader in Music at City University, London
Fellow of Oxford’s European Humanities Research Centre
Fulbright and Onassis grant recipient
Winner of the St. Romanos the Melodist medallion of the National Forum for Greek Orthodox Church Musicians
A Night on the Aegean: 25th Anniversary Gala
Following Orthodox Music: Ancient & Modern the opening performance of Cappella Romana’s 2016-17 Season
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