Cappella Romana at the Maliotis Cultural Center in Boston
Cappella Romana and the Maliotis Cultural Center are collaborating to launch Byzantine Chant: The Received Tradition , A Lesson Book, the long-awaited, comprehensive manual on the psaltic art by John Michael Boyer, Protopsaltis of the Metropolis of San Francisco and our Associate Music Director. The Maliotis Cultural Center is hosting the event in the auditorium…
Lost Voices of Hagia Sophia in Choir and Organ
The March/April 2021 issue of Choir and Organ Magazine has a review for our Lost Voices of Hagia Sophia recording: “Lost Voices of Hagia Sophia from Cappella Romana, directed by Alexander Lingas, is an extraordinary feat – the first vocal album ever to be recorded in live virtual acoustics. … Stunningly convincing sounds emerge as…
Lost Voices of Hagia Sophia Named a 2020 Recording of the Year!
MusicWeb International‘s John Quinn names Lost Voices of Hagia Sophia one of his 2020 Recordings of the Year! “This is a recording unlike any other I’ve heard. Cappella Romana sing aprogramme of Medieval Byzantine Chant. Thanks to ingenious use of technology their performances have been ‘placed’ in the virtual acoustics of the vast Hagia Sophia…
AllMusic Reviews Lost Voices of Hagia Sophia
James Manheim gives 4.5 stars to Cappella Romana’s Lost Voices of Hagia Sophia recording on AllMusic: “This release by Cappella Romana first appeared in late 2019 but acquired new relevance and promotional energy with the Islamization of the Hagia Sophia in mid-2020: the ‘lost voices’ of the title now seem to be lost permanently, although recordings…
Theater Byte Gives Lost Voices of Hagia Sophia its Highest Recommendation
“Applying Professor Abel’s sound technology to the fifteen voices of Capella Romana creates an audio experience that few if any listeners will have ever heard. These disembodied voices, evoking the holy spirit of God, seem to come from everywhere and totally envelop the audience. … Put this Blu-ray Disc in your player, and push the…
The Absolute Sound Declares Lost Voices of Hagia Sophia a Triumph
The Absolute Sound magazine’s September 2020 issue features an in-depth look at our Lost Voices of Hagia Sophia recording and declares it “A triumph of scholarship, musicianship, and technology.” “For many critical listeners, and not just readers of this magazine, the absolute sound—the sound of live, unamplified music in a real space—is a touchstone…The venue…
More Praise for Lost Voices of Hagia Sophia in MusicWeb International
Mark Sealey adds his voice to the growing list of reviews of Lost Voices of Hagia Sophia on MusicWeb International: “From the first note, we hear dedication, focus, energy, a balanced and measured concentration on – as far as is possible in our noisy world – how the monks and lay staff of the Hagia…
Lost Voices of Hagia Sophia is a Recommended Recording on MusicWeb International
MusicWeb International critic John Quinn has made Lost Voices of Hagia Sophia one of his Recommended Recordings! “The music itself is astonishing. … I was struck at once by the wonderful overlapping sonorities of the choir. There’s a real depth and richness to the choral sound and here, as elsewhere, the fabulously deep and resonant…
Lost Voices of Hagia Sophia: More Relevant Than Ever
This week media outlets across the world thrust Hagia Sophia into the limelight, reporting the action by current authorities to clear the way for the UNESCO World Heritage Site to be changed from a museum to a mosque. Cappella Romana’s Lost Voices of Hagia Sophia is more relevant than ever: to shine a light on Hagia…
Audiophile Audition Gives Five Stars to Lost Voices of Hagia Sophia
Audiophile Audition‘s Steven Ritter gives a
rating to our Lost Voices of Hagia Sophia recording! “This is the Byzantine chant album that aficionados have been waiting for and will be of interest far beyond the true believers. …the most exciting thing about this album is the reconstruction of the acoustical setting of Hagia Sophia,…
Cappella Romana to Premiere “The Voice of Hagia Sophia”
This Saturday, June 6, at 6 pm (PDT), Cappella Romana will premiere the 24-minute documentary, The Voice of Hagia Sophia, about the project and “making of” Cappella Romana’s Billboard Chart-topping recording, The Lost Voices of Hagia Sophia, on Facebook. The documentary includes interviews with Cappella Romana members John Boyer, Catherine van der Salm, Alexander Lingas,…
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