MusicWeb International Reviews Hymns of Kassianí
Dominy Clements reviews Hymns of Kassianí for MusicWeb International: “much to appreciate in this substantial recording of Kassianí’s music… Cappella Romana is a leading vocal ensemble that is best known for its performances of Byzantine chant, and you have the feeling that you are in safe hands in the way they bring Kassianí’s ancient manuscripts…
MusicWeb International Recommends Sheehan’s Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom
MusicWeb International critic John Quinn gives the Recommended distinction to St. Tikhon Choir’s recording of Benedict Sheehan: Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom: “Sheehan’s music is very beautiful and inventive. … Sheehan’s Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom is best heard as an uninterrupted sequence; such listening does full justice to his conception. However, if I were asked to…
Lost Voices of Hagia Sophia Named a 2020 Recording of the Year!
MusicWeb International‘s John Quinn names Lost Voices of Hagia Sophia one of his 2020 Recordings of the Year! “This is a recording unlike any other I’ve heard. Cappella Romana sing aprogramme of Medieval Byzantine Chant. Thanks to ingenious use of technology their performances have been ‘placed’ in the virtual acoustics of the vast Hagia Sophia…
More Praise for Lost Voices of Hagia Sophia in MusicWeb International
Mark Sealey adds his voice to the growing list of reviews of Lost Voices of Hagia Sophia on MusicWeb International: “From the first note, we hear dedication, focus, energy, a balanced and measured concentration on – as far as is possible in our noisy world – how the monks and lay staff of the Hagia…
Lost Voices of Hagia Sophia is a Recommended Recording on MusicWeb International
MusicWeb International critic John Quinn has made Lost Voices of Hagia Sophia one of his Recommended Recordings! “The music itself is astonishing. … I was struck at once by the wonderful overlapping sonorities of the choir. There’s a real depth and richness to the choral sound and here, as elsewhere, the fabulously deep and resonant…
Cyprus Named a Recording of the Year
Order Now MusicWeb International critic Johan van Veen names our Cyprus: Between Greek East & Latin West a 2016 Recording of the Year! “Cappella Romana is an ensemble which specializes in early and contemporary music of the Christian East and West. This explains that the programme recorded here sounds very idiomatic. The singing is impressive…
Steinberg: Passion Week a Recording of the Year!
MusicWeb International has released their 2015 Recordings of the Year, and we’re happy to report that our Maximilian Steinberg: Passion Week recording has been named a Recording of the Year by two MusicWeb critics! “One of the big choral rediscoveries of recent years combined with a stunning performance and recording, Steinberg’s sublime and eloquently moving…
New MusicWeb Review for Maximilian Steinberg: Passion Week
After John Quinn named Maximilian Steinberg: Passion Week an April “Recording of the Month”, another MusicWeb International critic has been listening to our world premiere recording: “It is hard to imagine the turmoil surrounding conflict and persecution between the Communist state and the Church in this period, and even more so on hearing this tender…
MusicWeb International Reviews Good Friday In Jerusalem
MusicWeb International critic Garry Higginson recalls his own Holy Week in Jerusalem experience while listening to Cappella Romana’s new Good Friday in Jerusalem recording: “Jerusalem was filled with people of all nations, as befits a city of pilgrimage. Droves of superior-looking tourists who had come to gaze curiously on the rites of the Eastern Church…
Passion Week a MusicWeb Recording of the Month
MusicWeb International critic John Quinn names our Maximilian Steinberg: Passion Week a RECORDING OF THE MONTH! “Passion Week is one of the finest and most moving Orthodox settings that I’ve encountered and I’ve been excited by getting to know it. It’s particularly pleasing that this music should receive its first recording from such a fine…
MusicWeb International Reviews A Time For Life
Brian Reinhart of MusicWeb International reviews the new Cappella Romana release, A Time For Life: “There can be no questioning Kyr’s skill as a composer. Just listen to the first five minutes, as singers enter one-by-one — there are only eight — to the accompaniment of a single solitary cello. Many writers would need half…
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